Youth & Children Pastor

Children & Youth Pastor

Who we are:

Our mission is to see rising generations discover and step into the story of God, bringing life to the city. We believe

God is working to release kids and youth into their destiny. Our community is growing together, both in our

understanding of the contemplative and in outward-focused life. We believe that everyone gets to play, and we seek

to give ministry opportunities away. VineyardCLE is seeking a champion of kids and youth to inspire and equip

families to live in all that Jesus has for them.

Who you are:

We are looking for a person who:

--champions the spiritual formation of kids and youth

--raises up and releases others into the joy of loving and serving children and youth

--is soft-hearted and compassionate toward the struggles children & youth go through

--is teachable and will embrace the vision of VineyardCLE whole-heartedly

--finds absolute joy in welcoming and gathering new families, volunteers, kids, and youth


The compensation package for this part-time position (20-25 hours per week) is competitive and negotiable based

on qualifications, experience, and an agreed-upon scope of roles and responsibilities.

If you are interested and would like more information, contact us at;


Director of Ministries to Children, Youth & Families


Associate Pastor of Youth