Student Ministries Pastor

Dear Potential Candidate,
My name is Jeremiah Holcombe, and I am the Lead Pastor of the

Alliance Church of Quartzsite. I have had the honor of being the Student Ministries Pastor for the past 11 of the almost 15 years. I have recently taken over the position of Lead Pastor of the church, as the previous Pastor has retired. For the past 14 years, I have strived to build a youth ministry that balances outreach and discipleship, seeking to integrate the teens into the overall life of the church.

Quartzsite is unique in many ways. In the summertime, the temperature rises to upwards of 127 degrees, while the population falls to around 3,500 people. Less than 1,000 of those are under the age of 65, with children and teens being less than 200. As the summer cools, the winter visitors and snowbirds start arriving, and by the end of January, there can be between 500,000 and a million people in our small little town.

Our church is small to medium size. In the summer, our attendance ranges from 50 to 100 people. In the wintertime, it can grow to roughly 300. We rely on the winter visitors and snowbirds for the financial life of the church, and it is by their generosity that we can survive financially.

The teens of Quartzsite have a rural mindset. Many come from broken families, living with just mom, dad, or grandma and grandpa. Many families come to Quartzsite as a last resort, seeing it as the bottom of the economic scale.

I love this town and the people in it. I have seen God do amazing work in people's lives in my tenure here. Quartzsite is a harsh environment, and it will take a person who is committed to the work of God to meet the labor that is before us. Below is a list of duties, responsibilities, expectations, and compensations. I ask that you prayerfully consider this position. Not as simply a job to be had, but a calling to respond.

Let me give you a brief outline of the process we foresee.

If you are in agreement with the following Qualifications, Compensation, Responsibilities, and Expectations sections of this position, the Christian and Missionary statement of faith, and with our church's Bylaws (these can be found by following the link: http:// Quartzsite_Alliance_Bylaws_PDF_Version.pdf), then we invite you to send in a resume that includes, but is not limited to, a recent picture, brief


personal and family bio, all related skills and experiences that would qualify you for the position, your preferred contact method, and three references that can speak to your calling in ministry.

After reviewing your initial resume and questionnaire, if you meet the standards laid out below, we will send you a theological questionnaire that must be completed. This is to gauge your ability to pass our denomination's licensing process, which must be completed before our church's ability to extend a contract.

Once the theological questionnaire is submitted and meets the denomination's expectations, we may extend an interview. This interview will be conducted by myself, over Skype or FaceTime.

If you pass this initial interview, we will contact your references. If the interview goes well, and your references are well taken, you will be asked to interview again in front of several of our members. This interview will include the Lead Pastor, an Elder, a Ministry Board Member, and a Teen.

If you pass the interview, you will have moved into our top picks for the position. We will let you know where you stand on this list. The top of this list will be asked to participate in a candidating process. This top candidate will be given priority, as they will be invited to come to Quartzsite and spend the weekend interviewing with the church (fully paid for by the church). This will allow the church to interact with them in person. If this candidate does not pass this third interview, we will move on to the second candidate, and so on.

If you pass the candidate weekend, you will be offered the position of Student Ministries Pastor. To which the church will extend you a stipend for your moving expenses.
We foresee this process taking 6 to 12 months. If the church decides that you do not fit what we are looking for, we will contact you immediately through your preferred channel.

I thank you for your interest in this position, and I pray that God leads us both to the place he has for us.

In Christ’s Grip,
Jeremiah Holcombe, Lead Pastor

I. Ideal Candidate:


  1. The following is what the Board of Elders of the Alliance Church of Quartzsite, believe is the basis for the the best candidate to fill the Student Ministries Pastor position. Some of these ideals are based on what has worked in the past, while others are ideals that we believe will lead to a better working relationship between the pastors.

  2. The ideal candidate for the position of Student Ministries Pastor of the Alliance Church of Quartzsite are as follows:

    1. Young Married Couple. (Straight out of college or recently graduated are encouraged)

    2. Both are believers, both are ministry minded, with the spouse willing to work in some capacity within the ministry.

    3. Agree whole heartedly with the Statement of Faith of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and with the Bylaws of the Alliance Church of Quartzsite. (Both applicant and spouse must read both prior to the first interview)

    4. Live a godly lifestyle in both a professional and personal setting.

    5. Willing to build upon the work of the pervious Student Ministries Pastors.

    6. Keep our philosophy of “Play, Make Their Day, Be There, and Choose Your Attitude,” when interacting with teens.

    7. Be Theologically grounded, we are not looking for babysitters.

    8. Be Willing to be accredited/licensed with the Christian and Missionary Alliance prior to any formal contract with the Quartzsite Alliance Church.

    9. Be Willing to make a 5 year commitment to the ministry of the Quartzsite Alliance Church.

II. Our Goal


  1. The Student Ministries Pastor will seek to impact the teens and children of the town of Quartzsite. Outreach to those who are not believers in Christ, and a strong emphasis on disciple making are two non-negotiable aspects of ministry. The future Student Ministries Pastor will seek to accomplish both. (This means getting into schools, and seeking other means of contact with children and youth.)

  2. We strive to be motivated by God’s love, to lift in him up in daily worship, locating and meeting the needs of our community, all the while pointing people to His life. We desire that the life of children, teens, and adults be integrated into one church community where all participate. The Student Ministries Pastor will be one of the facilitators to this goal.

III. Qualifications:

  1. Both applicant and spouse must acknowledge that Jesus Christ is

    your Lord and Savior.

  2. A desire to continue a strong, committed, and mature relationship with Christ.

  3. An excitement and interest in teaching youth about God.

  4. A Bachelor’s degree in ministry (preferred).

  5. Experience in youth ministry (must).

  6. Pass a background check.

  7. Have a Valid Driver’s License

IV. Compensation:

A. $24,000 annual salary; paid in increments of $1,000 every two weeks.


  1. Housing provided (3 bedroom, two bath, with two car garage; power and water/sewer included; located across the street from the church).

  2. Church owned cell phone provided.

  3. 2 weeks vacation a year during the “off-season.”

  4. A yearly stipend of $300 will be given out over the course of the year in lieu of the church providing workman’s compensation (all persons who are contracted with the church and not employees of the church).

  5. A monthly health stipend of $500 added at the beginning of the 2nd year of work.

V. Ministry Calendar:

  1. Weekly:

    1. Regular Office Hours - 9am-12pm Tuesday-Friday

    2. Fridays - Youth Wreck Night, 6pm-8:30pm

    3. Saturdays - Youth Work Projects (as scheduled)

    4. Sundays - Worship Service(s); Sunday School, 9:30am; Youth Bible Study, 6pm-8pm

  2. Quarterly: 1/2 Night Outreach Events, 6pm-12am

  3. Yearly: In-Town Trip/VBC

  4. Biannually: Out-of-Town Trips - Winter Camp & Camping/Missions

VI. Ministry Expectations:

A. Continue developing your personal relationship with God, this being your primary responsibility.


  1. Keep your family life healthy, making sure that you have a sabbath (a day off) separate from Sunday.

  2. Pastor’s are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Be prepared for the rigorous schedule.

  3. Bi-weekly meetings with the Lead Pastor and Children’s Director (as available)

  4. Presentation to the Board of Ministries (Outreach coordination) and the Board of Elders.

  5. Keep regular office hours of 9am-12pm, while understanding that this does not include all the hours that it takes to run a ministry.

  6. Foster relationships with students in the midst of programs, events, and Bible studies.

  7. Build relationships with students; Have relational skills and service orientation. Have fun while looking for ways to stay energized.

  8. Be flexible, take initiative, self-starter, team player and a problem solver.

  9. Be able to work independently, willing to grow and be challenged.

  10. Develop skills in preaching, teaching, and counseling.

  11. Work under the leadership of the Lead Pastor and the Board of Elders.

  12. Develop fundraisers to fund all youth activities.

  13. Apparel: Business casual clothes (polo/button up shirt, denim/ slacks, dress shoes) on Sunday mornings. All other times would be appropriate casual.

  14. Build on previous Student Ministries Pastors’ work, willing to not change anything until a year of ministry work.


VII.Student Ministry Responsibilities and Duties:

  1. Build upon the work of the previous youth pastor.

  2. Develop, promote and coordinate a balanced program of activities and discipleship ministry to youth, that accomplish the vision of the Alliance Church.

  3. Continue the Teen Leadership Program that seeks to develop interested youth in their leadership abilities. This includes teaching them how to counsel, preach, teach, and run small groups.

  4. Involve youth and youth leaders in outreach and discipleship to reach unsaved youth.

  5. Plan and execute two out-of-town trips, (i.e. Winter Camp, Summer Camp/Missions Trip)

  6. Plan and execute one in-town, week long, outreach and VBS trip.

  7. Plan and execute quarterly 1/2 night outreaches.

  8. Involve youth in ministry and missions projects.

  9. Be available for counseling.

  10. Support youth in their school setting.

  11. Have a valid driver’s license.

  12. Drive church vans for Sunday mornings, and for youth events/ activities.

  13. Be available to parents to discuss issues related to their child or youth ministry.

  14. Enlist volunteers to aid in the ministry.

  15. Lead regular leadership meetings with youth leaders.


  1. Draw up a yearly budget for youth ministry and present it to the Elder Board.

  2. The Student Ministries Pastor is not considered an Elder.

  3. Be available to fill the pulpit, conduct funerals, assist in hospital visitations, etc. in the Lead Pastor’s absence.

  4. Assist in and serve as a resource person to the Children’s Ministry, overseeing Family Ministries in general and the Hideaway Street program (puppet ministry) in particular.

  5. Perform other duties as assigned by the Lead Pastor.

  6. Organize and Run the Hideaway Street Puppet Program on Sundays.

  7. Have Fun doing it.


Director of Youth Ministry


Youth Pastor